Following Jesus...Serving the Homeless
The Waterfront Rescue Mission is a Christian organization that has provided food, shelter and clothing to the homeless in the greater Pensacola area for over 60 years. During this time the Mission has grown to minister to those in need from Mobile, Alabama to Fort Walton Beach, Florida and Crestview, Florida. The scope of services offered has also stretched to include recovery and career development programs for homeless men and women with drug and alcohol addictions. The programs are supported through donations from generous supporters in the community and the proceeds from the seven Bargain Centers that the Waterfront Rescue Mission operates. Call 1-888-853-8655 or visit to learn more.
Keywords: homeless, homelessness, rescue mission, recover, recovery, addict, addiction, drug, drugs, donate, donation, alcolhol, alcoholic, bargain center, thrift store, furniture store, poor, hungry, needy, free, give, support, volunteer, mission